Tag Archives: Parts Dept

A Sneak Peak into the Parts Department

We’ve just had a google maps tour done of the shop as you may have recently seen. we figured it might be nice for people to also see parts of Urbane Cyclist that aren’t open to the public! Here for your viewing is a small tour of the Urbane Cyclist Parts Department!

Urbane Cyclist's parts department tour, focusssing on our huge range of Brooks products.

Brooks focus. As a Brooks ‘Dealer of Excellence’ we look to have a large range of Brooks products in stock at any time, seen here are the classic Brooks B17 saddles, but we also stock bags, tools and other items!

Urbane Cyclist's parts department tour, boxes upon boxes upon boxes!

Aisle E & F extended. Bells, whistles, computers, bottle cages, bottles, bags and at the end forks!

Urbane Cyclist's Parts Department Tour, focussing on our huge range of seat posts

Seat posts in Aisle F, we carry a huge range of odd-sized seatposts to ensure we can deal with any bike which comes through our doors!

Urbane Cyclist's Parts department tour, oodles of small and large parts and accessories.

Aisle C & D derailleurs, racks, shifters, brake levers, brake calipers, disc brakes, innertubes and rim tape.

Urbane Cyclist's Parts Department tour, parts and accessories galore!

Aisle A & B, tires and bike boxes stretch away into the horizon!

Urbane Cyclist's parts department tour, rows upon rows of parts and accessories

Aisle E & F. Internal hub gear parts and spares, stems, seatposts, odd innertube sizes, saddles, pedals and more!

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